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Resilience with OWLS Academy Trust


Last week Laughology’s answer to the Avengers: Jim, Kerry, Selina and Victoria, headed off to Leicester to deliver dual FLIP-it Thinking sessions for the entire staff of two of OWLS Academy Trust’s schools.

FLIP-it Thinking is a simple but very effective positive psychology toolkit. It helps individuals and teams to be more resilient in challenging situations. By improving people’s mental agility and emotional intelligence they feel more able to cope and are happier, both at work and in life.

FLIP helps teams and individuals to be proactively solution-focused; to spot a potential problem and, using their imagination, think of different ways to tackle it. It also teaches reflection – as people identify any unhelpful patterns of behaviour and develop healthier habits. It can act as a trigger for thinking differently.

With this in mind, two rooms of 200 people then went head-to-head to see who could have a better time. It was fiercely competitive - though all in good humour, of course! In the end, it was agreed that both teams deserved the win.

It was a fabulous morning all round, with many laughs and many insights shared by participants and Jim, Kerry, Selina and Victoria alike.

Thanks for having us, OWLS!

Are you interested in FLIPping your team’s thinking? Contact our Doug – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - who’ll be more than happy to tell you more!


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