Menopause awareness workshop with Dundee and Angus College

Dundee and Angus College were planning a Staff Development Day focusing on wellbeing, and we were approached to deliver a Menopause Awareness Workshop to help drive supportive and open conversations about menopause in the college.
They already have great resources and have been running Menopause Cafes since 2018; however, these lost momentum during the Covid years. With an all-female audience, Louisa Rodriguez led a session with the team. She noticed that, although they had a good knowledge of menopause, there were things they weren’t aware of in terms of the growing range of ways it can impact those going through it, along with how to support women we live and work with.
There were lots of great conversations and laughter throughout the workshop, and some women took away an idea to create a project to raise more awareness and develop the conversations in the college.
All the women at Dundee and Angus College took personal takeaways of ideas and strategies they can use to support their wellbeing through menopause.
If you’d like to find out more about this session, why not contact Doug –