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Developing leadership skills to help your school achieve excellence and raise standards

A conference keynote, an INSET day or a cheeky twilight? All sessions can be adapted to suit the audience, the themes that are important to your school and the length of time we've got. This particular session can be delivered to SLT or to the whole school team, it’s up to you.

The evolving role of school leaders means the work of leadership teams is ever-expanding and demanding. Not only are you aiming to raise standards while managing staff performance and morale, but you’re also trying to cope with Ofsted breathing down your neck and keep parents happy.

And it’s not just SLT.

Leadership in schools happens at all levels. Your teachers are leading their classes, but also leading subjects. Your support staff lead interventions and small groups. Lunchtime supervisors are leading safe and happy playtimes - bumped heads and arguments over free-kicks included.

So how can you make sure everyone is confident in their leadership role?

Well, that’s where we come in. Helping you develop communication, resilience, creativity and flexible thinking skills which are essential when managing effective teams.

Here’s what you can expect

  • How developing greater communication skills can enhance team cohesion
  • How to deliver challenging messages in a positive way
  • How to develop your own coping techniques to feel on top every day
  • The science of humour and laughter as a learning tool

What your team will get by the end

  • Techniques for communicating with a variety of different personality types
  • Tips for delivering messages and making them stick
  • Tools for increasing resilience in your team and for you
  • Ideas for engagement, motivation and how to create a happy team
  • Tips on how to use humour and laughter as a leadership tool
Dave was outstanding! Delivery was spot on and I came away knowing what I wanted to achieve.
Dee Hall, Hillingdon Heads’ Conference

Ready to book your session?

All sessions can be adapted to suit your audience, the themes that are important to your school and the length of time you've got.

Give us a call on 0844 800 1701. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who can talk you through the options.

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