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Giving teachers the tools to reduce stress, support mental health and improve wellbeing

A conference keynote, an INSET day or a cheeky twilight? All sessions can be adapted to suit the audience, the themes that are important to your school and the length of time we've got.

Teaching is the best job in the world, right? But it can also be one of the toughest.

And while there have always been challenges in the profession, it's fair to say there's been a lot going on lately! ‘Teaching'  seems to have had one too many beers at the staff do and someone needs to drive it home. 

The good news is we’re here to be your designated driver, steering you in the right direction and giving your team practical ways to spot the signs early of mental ill health, and improve mental health and wellbeing. 

So, if stress is starting to overwhelm people or you just want to put in some pre-emptive support, this session is just what you need. 

Let’s get the shandies in and help everyone back on the road to wellness. 

Here’s what you can expect

  • Simple strategies, to support mental wellbeing in schools, giving your team techniques they can try straight away 
  • Tips on how to build resilience in your school, ensuring the whole community can benefit from better coping strategies - no more hiding under the pillows in the book corner
  • Ways to develop reward and recognition, so you can boost morale and create a happier team 
  • Practical advice on healthy work/life habits - to avoid teachers marking books into the early hours

Your team will take away

  • An understanding of the positive effects of humour and laughter for emotional intelligence - we’re a funny bunch, even if we say so ourselves, but we’re also pretty clued up on this psychology stuff too
  • Tips to avoid behaviour and thinking that causes stress 
  • Ways to feel in control, especially if the laminator is jammed, the printer’s out of ink and Ofsted are arriving at 8am
  • Explanation of the difference between mental health, mental wellbeing, mental illness and how to spot the signs early to avoid burnout
Thank you for making the session fun and engaging - no easy feat via Zoom. I have spoken to lots of colleagues who have said that they have taken lots of information to support their mental health.
Louise Howlett, Perryfield Junior School

Ready to book your session?

All sessions can be adapted to suit your audience, the themes that are important to your school and the length of time you've got.

Give us a call on 0844 800 1701. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who can talk you through the options.

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