Our full range of free PSHE resources are here!

At Happy-Centred Schools, we love a freebie. Give us a BOGOF code or a voucher for the local takeaway, and we’re happy as Larry – whoever he is.
And so, with that in mind, we’ve created a whole host of ‘udderly free’ PSHE resources for teachers across the UK. But they’re not just any old resources – no siree. These are lesson plans and activities put together by experts – including a former headteacher - so you can be sure they’re full of the stuff that matters.
Whichever year group you use them in – from EYFS to Y6 - all our resources are grouped under the themes of our Happy-Centred Schools Programme:
- Coping Skills
- Self-Confidence
- Achievement and Success
- Positive Relationships
- Support
Because happier people - whatever their age - make happier schools. And that’s a win-win in our book.
You can find out more about them – and download them for free – right here.