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Mental wellbeing with GASBM


On the 8th of March, Laura was invited to deliver our ever-popular FLIP-it Thinking session for the Gloucestershire Association for School Business Management (GASBM), who hold regular conferences offering training on anything from Health & Safety to Data Protection.

The focus of this conference was mental wellbeing and its importance not just for the students but also for the business managers themselves! When the to-do list is longer than the Great Wall of China, and you’re not sure which hill to tackle first, it’s super easy to forget to look after yourself. This is, of course, counterintuitive!

So Laura arrived with her bag full of curly wurlys and squidgy people to provide immediate indulgence and stress relief with a FLIP-it Thinking keynote, brimming with fun, laughter, and some highly effective tools to help build resilience long-term and positively manage stress in the moment.

FLIP-it Thinking is a model created by Laughology founder Stephanie Davies and is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. FLIP stands for Focus, Language, Imagination, and Pattern Breaking. It involves raising awareness of one's emotional response in a situation and thinking about how one can ‘FLIP’ each of these areas to think and feel better.

So, by the end of the session, the school business managers from GASBM had a toolkit to dip into to FLIP their thinking, whatever the situation!

If you’d like to learn how to ‘FLIP it’, we recommend you sign up for your local gymnastics group, or preferably, contact Doug to find out more about our sessions – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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