Growth mindset workshop with Uxbridge High School

It was a refreshing change for Selina Brown to deliver training to non-teaching staff at
Uxbridge High School, including people from the facilities and IT departments, as well as the school office. Ultimately, this meant lots of people who don’t normally work or interact with each other were called to come out of their comfort zones as they were split into groups.
One of the best lubricants for people to get along is humour, so Selina ensured people laughed while they completed fun activities to embed the learning and encourage a growth mindset. One of the activities was to get people to make a paper aeroplane and test it to see how far they could make it go.
Although not everyone was an expert, they were able to have a go and work together to make it better. After the session, lots of the team at Uxbridge High mentioned how much fun they’d had and how it had exceeded their expectations about what training could be - a little growth mindset in action, which we always love to see!
If you’d like growth mindset training in your school, contact us, and Doug will let you know what we can offer. Email him at: