Building Resilience with Oakwood Avenue Community Primary School

Building Resilience with Oakwood Avenue Community Primary School
What better way to chase away any lingering January blues than with a secret handshake competition, a conga line, and a dash of positive neuroscience?
Well, that’s what the staff of Oakwood Avenue Community Primary School let themselves in for when they asked Jim Rastall to come and deliver their INSET session on building resilience through humour earlier this month.
Not only did Jim help the whole team develop their resilience skills, but he also gave them practical strategies that they could use both inside the classroom and out. We look forward to hearing how the FLIP-it thinking tools we shared will keep the laughter (and the conga line) gathering momentum throughout the term.
Thanks for having us, Oakwood!
For more information about how we can support your school team, get in touch with our Doug - he won’t make you do the conga, we promise!