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Team building and profiling for school leaders


Being a school leader is tough enough; one minute, you’re working on strategy; next, you're trying to parent a parent. Then it’s supporting a challenging classroom or listening to Ms Clegg from year four and how she’s clashing with Mr Snidal from year three about who took the blue tack from the stationary cupboard without signing it out… and that’s all before 9.30 a.m.  

Team dynamics, managing different people and supporting people to get on is a big part of the job, and it’s hard. But not to worry, Happy-Centred Schools can help. We’re pleased to announce we’ve partnered with Insights Discovery - a psychometric tool to help you discover your superpowers and how to be the best version of yourself. It’s not Jedi mind tricks, just some simple self and team-awareness tools that can help you discover more about yourself and communicate better with the people around you. 

Any leadership journey starts with self-awareness, which can lead to real breakthroughs in building relationships, teams, and your school.  Our mothership, Laughology, delivers the Insights Discovery profiling tool, helping individuals understand their unique personality preferences, communication styles, and work preferences. 

It helps individuals and teams better understand their own behaviour and the behaviour of others, leading to improved communication, collaboration, and overall effectiveness.  Delivered in the fun Laughology way, individuals can feel more comfortable exploring and discussing their personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses using a light-hearted approach. 

This will lead to greater self-awareness, empathy, and a better understanding of how to work effectively with others. By taking this playful approach to Insights Discovery profiling, your teams will benefit from learning in and outside the workplace.  

We’ve already been helping other schools who loved the workshop. You can read more about it here. For more information and costs, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and our Doug will be happy to help


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