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Menopause awareness workshop at Green Dragon Primary School 


What do you do when you’re a school leader and you know that: 

  • More 50+ year old women leave education than any other profession, due to perimenopausal symptoms 
  • At the moment, menopause is still a taboo subject in most schools – except the ones that Laughology has already worked its magic in! 
  • It’s vital to support people’s mental health and wellbeing. After all, happy adults = happy children  
  • It’s increasingly important to retain the experience and expertise that you have – and not just because there’s currently a recruitment crisis!? 

The Deputy Head of Green Dragon Primary School in Hounslow knew exactly what to do.  

She booked Sarah Creegan to facilitate a Menopause Awareness session, which everyone in their diverse team was invited to. The school’s SLT were keen that: 

  • Everyone gained a better understanding of the myths, signs and symptoms of menopause  
  • People had the opportunity to chat through ideas and practical ways in which they can support each other 
  • Those who have experienced the menopause could think about ways they can support others, through becoming champions 

As a 50+ year old woman herself, the Green Dragon team were amazed that Sarah learnt all their names within the first few minutes. We are too as, let’s face it, there are days when she can’t remember her own name! 

They also gave this feedback:  

“Sarah was delightful, very professional and a breath of fresh. She certainly put the laugh factor in Laughology and delivered a very knowledgeable and useful session with good tips for us to take on-personally and as a team. Thank you, Sarah!”  

“This session was a lot of fun whilst being informative- it will also open the door to be more open with each other about how we are feeling! Thank you, Sarah, you were great!” 

And the best bit of all? One of the young men came up at the end to explain that his mum was going through the change and he hadn’t understood it before. But he now was going home to give her a hug!  

If you’d like to raise menopause awareness in your school – and have more of your team hugging their mums – get in touch with our Doug and he’ll talk you through how we can help – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Join our October menopause webinar – "Giving it the V" – we need your help and stories!  
Menopause awareness workshop at Green Dragon Primary School 
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