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Motivation and resilience INSET at St John The Baptist School

2023 got off to a flying start for Lead Happiness Consultant Dave Keeling as he hit the road to Leicester to deliver a full-day motivation and resilience INSET for St John the Baptist Church of England Primary School.

The INSET was designed to enthuse, inspire, and entertain the staff in anticipation of the year ahead. With that in mind, the day was split into two parts, with the first being FLIP-it Thinking.

FLIP-it Thinking is a cognitive tool kit to help people think better thoughts and take better actions (something we all need in a cold, dark January). In a variety of ways, the session explored:

  • DOSE of happiness
  • Fast /slow thinking
  • The circle of control - how to shift focus to enable action and confidence
  • Magic questions
  • RING - the formula for great memorable learning
  • Good humour ingredients – what we do when we’re at our best
  • How to manage change 

The second part of the day was all about the Amazing Brain. In this session, the team explored how best to get the most out of that little grey noggin betwixt our ears. Dave took them through a whistle-stop tour which included:

  • Brain quiz – how little we know about our heads
  • Amazing brain breakdown – how our brains work and, more importantly when it’s not working, what gets in the way
  • Fixed and growth mindset - how to develop a more growth mindset approach to where we are and who we are with
  • 4 keys to memory 
  • Plus, a little bit of magic

The day was choc full of tips, tricks and techniques to help the St John’s team think about their own thoughts and actions (as well as the students) but also help them to navigate all the uncertainty of 2023 with renewed vim, vigour and enthusiasm. If you’d like more information about our INSET days or twilight staff meetings, head on over to our Happy Adults page or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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