Watch Lead Happiness Consultant Sarah Creegan at Star Primary

Unlike many of the other Laughologists, Sarah doesn't have a background on stage or telly, so she hasn't rubbed shoulders with that many celebs. The best Sarah has to offer is that the Red Arrows flew over Lincoln hospital on the day she was born. And she once overhugged the gymnast Beth Tweddle at a railway station. There is now an injunction in place!
Sarah’s not-so-horrible history
When Sarah chose to leave school at 16, she was told by 3 separate teachers ‘she wouldn’t amount to much’. That didn’t put her off though!
In fact, eventually she decided to go into teaching herself and has held lots of different roles in schools, including SENDCo, INCo, wellbeing lead and headteacher.
As a highly-successful head, Sarah led and managed a £7m rebuild; an expansion programme to double the number of pupils and a journey of culture-change and improvement for her school.
A fantastic decision-maker (in our opinion), Sarah also bought in Laughology to help her team understand the importance of building resilience through humour and laughter. It worked, as her school happily went from a satisfactory Ofsted rating to good, within her first two years of headship.
Now she works with Laughology, Sarah's wealth of experience makes her the perfect advisor, facilitator and consultant for our education programmes. She was instrumental in developing the Happy-Centred School wellbeing programme and has been a big advocate of getting menopause awareness sessions into schools.
As well as being a Laughologist, Sarah still regularly works in schools providing leadership support. She also coaches heads, to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Her up-to-date knowledge of the inner workings of schools, the education sector and the business world is invaluable in helping us to help leaders, teachers and young people flourish.
Sarah has worked with many different schools, as well as colleges and universities, including:
- Sutton High School, Discovery Primary and Edward Wilson Primary – Menopause awareness
- University of East London (UEL) – Resilience and wellbeing sessions
- Oxford University Foundry – EQuip Yourself wellbeing and LEV8 Women inclusion and diversity programmes
- The English International School of Padua - Positive mindsets, communication and relationship building
- SBL Connect School Business Leaders – The psychology of humour and laughter
- Peterlee Partnership – Happy-Centred Schools
...and finally
Sarah firmly believes in the importance of happiness, humour and positivity in both the classroom and the staffroom and is one the funniest former teachers we know - apart, possibly, from Greg Davies and Romesh Ranganathan.
Favourite children’s book?
The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew It Was None of His Business – featuring the best two ingredients for a picture book: revenge and poo!
Funniest school-related moment?
When a Year 1 boy I was teaching explained to the rest of the class that an octopus has 8 testicles.
Favourite teacher?
Mrs Cook – because she gave me a lolly for learning how to tie my shoelaces. I’m easily bought!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Christine Cagney.
What’s your go-to power pose and mantra?
Reach for the stars (S Club 7 style) accompanied by a ‘climb every mountain high, rainbow shining over you’ power pose.
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